I don't know what someone was thinking when they originally installed the door to the laundry room. The hinge mortice was just taken out of the door and the hinge was sitting flush in the door jam? It also looks like the mortice was chewed out by a beaver. These are the projects that we spend a couple of hours on and when you are done everything almost looks the same. Here is a picture of what the original mortice looked like on the door (not very good looking).
Here is what the door jam looked like (nothing was cut out).
After the old mortice area was chiseled out.
It is a little hard to see in this picture but there is a new piece of wood that is glued into the hole cut out where hinge mortice needs to go. There is another board holding it in place while the glue dries.
The new board is sanded flush with the door and the new mortice is cut.
The door was then planed to get a perfect fit (it used to be a little tight). You can see where the deadbolt on the original door was filled in.
Here is the finished hinge in place in the door jam. Looks much better. Still need to take a picture of the door hung.