Thursday, August 6, 2009

The House

Before: Our new house!

We're expecting to close on it in the next few days so we thought we'd set up a blog to update everyone on all our hard work in remodeling as we go.


  1. Love the idea of the blogspot. Oh so Grand!

    Looks like a bit of mowing required on the front lawn. I thought the grass would be greener with all that Seattle rain.


  2. Yay!! We're assuming this is the house you two were telling us about while visiting last month - it has so much character!!! We're so excited for you!!

    Love the blog - we'll be following along!

  3. Hi K Only 3 weeks until the slaves from Maine arrive I do not know how much we will get done on your 4 page list ,but we will do
    our best P&C
