Monday, February 1, 2010

Trim on Front of Wine Rack

The trim on the front of the wine rack was finished up this weekend. We thought that it would take a long time to get it all done but it was actually quite quick. The molding stock was made using a scratch plane on the edge of a board then ripped off on the table saw. None of the pieces are the same so they all had to be cut by hand. This is pretty quick with the Japanese pull saw. As you can see in the picture below the joints are pretty good but I still went over them with some caulk prior to painting.

Here is a picture of the wine rack portion with once all of the glue had dried but before the caulking and painting.
Here it is all painted up. You can also see in here the sawtooth shelf hangers that are discussed in the next post.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful work Everything seems to be coming together well
