Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fridge Door Handles

Kristen and I have been looking around for some larger door handles that we liked for the fridge without much luck. Then Kristen found one that she liked online....but they were $400 a piece, yikes! Here is a picture of if.

So I thought that it would not be too hard to replicate them. I purchased a bunch of separate parts from a lamp supplier and ended up making these handles up. Here are all of the pieces.

Here is what they look like put together and placed on top of the doors that are still waiting the last coat of paint.

It all is centered around a central threaded rod. There is still a little bit of work in gluing up and bonding the pieces together.


  1. Much better than the ones Kristen found online, and much cheaper I should guess Dad

  2. You may have to stiffen them with something Maybe a hardwood dowel would work Dad

  3. You may have to stiffen them with something like a hardwood dowel Dad

  4. I really shouldn't have been surprised when you go on to say 'I figured it would be easy to make myself'... and then clearly it wasn't a challenge at all! As usual... we are equally impressed and amazed.

    The people from the "This Old House" show will be knocking on your front door (which will undoubtedly be hand carved by next week) to film you guys!!! :)
