Monday, November 29, 2010

Tiling the stove backsplash

 This is the tiling work that has been going on for the last couple of weeks on the back of the stove surround. We decided to just do plain tiles in a herringbone pattern over everything. This picture shows me working on one of the sides. Unfortunately, due to the fact that there is a shelf I have to start tiling almost in the center of the wall. Just a couple of blocks to hold things up and some lines to provide marks.

Here you can see the tape that is used to hold up the pieces that are tiled down.

And working on the other side. This side has some more harder cuts because it has the outlet on it.
Here are the finished pictures after it has been grouted.

You can see the hole for the vent in the top in this picture.
All of the tiles are tavertine marble so it is from old sea creatures. You can see in a couple of spots actual shells.

1 comment:

  1. The tiling looks stunning. Beautiful job. And that's cool about what the tiles are made of!

