Monday, February 28, 2011

Trim and sheetrock around windows

Over the last two weekends Kristen and I have been putting in drywall and trim around the new windows. This is a picture of the window sill. It is rather complicated because it is scribed to go in and out around all of the posts.

This is what it looks like once it is installed.
Next up came some patching in of the drywall all around the opening.
Kristen also decided that since we had the wall open we should put in some lights over the sink. You can see the holes in the ceiling with the wires hanging down.
A little joint compound and tape.
The trim pieces were then put in place in between and on both sides of the windows. Yes, we also got a couple days of snow..
The top trim piece was then put in place and Kristen painted up the wall and ceiling.

There is a little more sanding that needs to be done on the trim and then that can be painted. There is a trim crown that will have to be made and attached but I think that will come a little ways down the line. There will also be a piece that will go under the window sill but we will wait on that until we get the cabinets built so we can determine how plumb everything looks.

1 comment:

  1. T&K
    The kitchen window looks GREAT! It must give you both a real sense of accomplishment having the bathroom all done. What a shocking difference between the old and the new.

