Monday, October 3, 2011

Removing Carpet in upstairs hall

In preparation for reworking some of the doors, hallway and bathroom Kristen ripped up the carpet and padding from the upstairs hallway. Here is a picture of the hall before the carpet was removed.
Here is the hall with the carpet removed and the pad still left.
And finally, the original floors.

Last to take out are all the tack strips and staples.


  1. Keeping busy, you two!! Never a dull moment in your house - something new every day!

  2. Hi! So glad I found your blog. Following you now. :)

    We move into a 1901 farmhouse next month, so we have a little bit in common.

  3. T&K
    Just when you got the downstairs put to order - now the upstairs! Too bad the floor has to have so many coats of paint. I think the extra space in the bathroom will be good, but unfortunately a lot of changing of doors to get to that point.
    Looking Great!

