Saturday, January 21, 2012

Bathroom Floor - Planing, sanding and first coat of urethane

 So staying true to the old nature of our house, we decided to hand plane the floors... Actually, the space was just too small to justify renting a commercial sander. The planing worked very well at taking down the uneven boards. Luckily, the flooring we laid had never been refinished even though it is over 100 years old so we have a lot of thickness to work with and Tyler was very careful in laying it so the boards were pretty even to start with.

Once the boards were fairly even, he went over the whole thing with a sander, taking the stain off the newer flooring and smoothing things out.

And then it was time to put the first coat of urethane on - it soaks up and dries quickly and the floor will get darker and redder with every coat. I think it will be a nice color match to the existing flooring.

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