Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Furniture for Baby Room

 We got the last of the big pieces of furniture for the baby room - the rocker - and managed to convince the delivery people to haul the armoire upstairs for us too. The armoire is an 1800's antique that has tons of storage space inside. Right now, we have all the clothing sorted into baskets inside but may switch it around and put the clothes in the dresser and store all of our other supplies inside.

 We got the chair from Pottery Barn - a little splurge that can be used as a normal chair after we no longer need a rocker if we choose. Tyler also hung a painting that he wanted to have in the room above the chair.
 Right now things are pretty much just piled in the room - as you can tell by the bathtub in the crib. Kristen will get to organizing more one of these days...

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