Sunday, April 15, 2012

Baby Showers

 We weren't planning on having any showers but this past week we had two! First, Thursday night a bunch of people from Tyler's work came over for dinner and to see our house renovations and it turned into a party/shower with about 40 people. Then, last night we went to my friend Stephanie's new house for dinner and a bunch of my school friends were there to throw us a surprise shower.
 It was great that both Tyler and I got to be there and we ended up getting so many nice things that were unexpected but useful! Our supply of clothes more than doubled and people filled in a lot of essentials that we were missing.
Thanks to all our friends, coworkers, and families for everything!

1 comment:

  1. Two surprise showers! Looks like your baby has lots of special friends already! So excited for you guys!!

    Melissa & B
