Saturday, November 17, 2012

November So Far...

November has been a month filled with fun things to do with Sam. Here is a little recap of our adventures so far.
Sam turned six months old already! So we decided to see how much he had grown. Here he is in his outfit he wore home from the hospital six months later.

We went to a wedding and Sam got to see all of his April/May baby buddies.

 Then it was time for his first Thanksgiving at daycare. We went and ate lunch with him and he tried cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, and green beans.

 We made our first trip to the children's museum where Sam loved the trains and watching the other kids play.

 Sam had fun playing with his dad and "Dusty" the Roomba.

1 comment:

  1. ha ha ha - the video is funny! At least Sam won't learn to dread his chores ;)

    Mel & Brian
