Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Vegetable Garden Update

As you can see, our garden is doing very well this year. The peas and onions are taller than Tyler. We also have some nice strawberries, lettuce, chives, carrots, and green beans going. The celery is also out of control.

Removing the old walkway in the backyard and reseeding

 Tyler worked at breaking up the old concrete walkway that went halfway into the backyard. We pulled up all the pieces and added 20 bags of top soil to even out the ground. It was then seeded and we're waiting for the grass to start growing. We also took the opportunity to fill in some other low spots in the lawn.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Summer Hike in the Cascades

 So this isn't house related but it shows part of the reason we haven't been getting as much house work done lately. We went for a nice hike to Heather Lake by Mt. Pilchuck on a sunny Sunday. There was still lots of snow but the weather was beautiful.
 There are so many big trees in our forests - most of which were cut down years ago. This is about 30 minutes drive from our house.

Trimming Hedges

Our hedges out front were looking scraggly and in need of some attention. Kristen loves to trim them so for her birthday, Tyler got her an electric trimmer. It was fun to use and quick. Some selective hand trimming still needed to be done but it made the whole process much faster.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fitting the cabinet and dishwasher fronts

We worked last weekend on fitting some of the cabinet doors and the front to the dishwasher. The first picture shows the cabinet doors fit on the unit to the left of the sink, you can also see the cabinet base has been milled and cut. it still needs some sanding and paint but it is getting closer.
Next up came the fitting of the panels to the front of the dishwasher. After a little bit of trim work the panel was held in place with some clamps. Small wood blocks were inserted into the space to give some material for the screws to get into.
Screws were then used to attach it to the front of the dishwasher. There will be side pieces that will be attached and cover the blocks to close out each side.
This is what it looks like from the front. Next up will be getting the baseboard around the whole thing which will be a little challenge.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New Furniture

Kristen and I found a local place that has some great furniture so we bought a couple of pieces to put around the house. The nice thing about all of it is that it is solid mahogany. That also means that we had to get our neighbor to help move the large cabinet in. Even when it was split in two pieces, I think each weighed around 150 lbs. The large cabinet unit was put in the office along the wall which meant that we had to put in the baseboard there first.

Here the unit is all installed and filled up with books!

We also pickup up a small table for the front hall (and the bench behind it)

And a night stand and lamp for the bedroom.