Monday, April 30, 2012

Upstairs Bathroom Sinks Complete

We got the granite for the sinks the day before Sam was born. Needless to say, we were a little later installing it than we anticipated. Finally, this weekend we got around to it and we have working sinks again.
 First, we attached the back splash to the wall and the granite below. Then, Tyler hooked up all the plumbing while keeping an eye on Sam.
 We got the granite out in Granite Falls. They glued the sinks in for us and cut everything according to Tyler's template. Since we only needed one piece and it didn't have to match anything, we saved a lot of money by choosing a remnant.
 When we originally installed the plumbing in the wall, we had not designed the sink unit yet. So, as you can see, there is a bit of a discrepancy in how things line up. However, you can only see this from in the tub so it doesn't matter too much.
With this last project, the bathroom is almost complete. Only a few paint touch ups and making doors for the lower closet left.

Armoire holes patched

The armoire that is in Sam's room had been reworked a few times in the past. Someone had replaced the original door hardware with some glass knobs that did not work well with the piece. There were also several holes in the walnut due to old hardware.
 We decided to replace the knobs with brass that were more fitting of the original style. Tyler also fixed the holes by patching in new walnut pieces. The locking mechanism is still in place but we don't have a key to fit it yet.
 After filling the holes, it was all sanded flush.
 Then it was painted to match the wood grain and color. Then a coating of shellac was placed over it.
 And the new brass hardware was put in place. It looks so much better with all the holes filled.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sam's first few days

We have been home for a few days now and things are going well. Sam had his first pediatrician appointment and was down in weight about half a pound from birth. It must be the lack of eating in the first few days along with the massive pooping. We have a weight check again next week and hopefully he will be up again.
 We got to spend lots of time bonding as a family. Tyler has been making me amazing dinners every night and a great help to have around.
 In general, Sam is a very content baby. He is very alert and sleeps like a champ. I usually have to wake him up at night to feed.
 Poppy has not subsided in her watchfulness. She will not leave his side and stares up at him when we are holding him in our arms. She also rests her head on the side of his bassinet while he sleeps and will lick his toes or nudge his blankets if he makes a peep. She whines when we leave the house and she can't come along. She is so watchful, she has even missed the postman the last few days!
 Here he is relaxing on the blanket his great grandma Carol made him.
 We have been going for nice long walks every day. The weather has been beautiful all week and Sam seems to love being outside.
And finally, his feed me face...

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Our Latest Project Complete! The Birth of Samuel Lincoln Smith.

With a due date of May 8th, we were thinking we had a few more weeks until needing to be fully prepared for the arrival of our little baby boy. Much to my surprise, he decided to come a little early. I was at work on Tuesday when my water broke. I was with a patient and not quite sure what was happening. It was about 11:45 and I was having no contractions. I decided to keep working and call Tyler at lunchtime - 1:00. I felt fine and decided to finish up the work day and then call the doctor. So, unbeknownst to them, I saw three patients while leaking amniotic fluid.

Luckily, my last two patients of the day had cancelled so around 3:30 I headed home. I packed up a few bags to bring to the hospital just in case and called Tyler to come home. I then called the hospital and they told me to come in.
 Once we arrived, I had to fill out the admitting paperwork and was taken to triage. They monitored the baby's heart rate and checked for amniotic fluid. The nurse decided to admit me immediately and called to have a room ready. It just so happened that my doctor was the one on call that night and would be working until 7:00am. It was about 5:00pm and I began walking to try to start contractions.
 After an hour or so of walking and doing every type of stretching/poses possible, my room was ready and I still was having no strong, regular contractions. The doctor recommended starting Pitocen to induce labor. This was very frustrating to me because things were going exactly against what I wanted but I agreed because it had been about seven hours since my water had broken and I knew that the risk for infection to the baby goes up and there is usually a 24 hour time frame that the hospital would prefer to deliver in.

 Once the Pitocen was started, I asked to be hooked up to a telemetry unit and be able to walk around. Tyler and I strolled the hallways for a few hours but the monitors kept slipping on my belly and the nurse would have to come get us to readjust because she was not getting steady readings.
I tried different positions in the room to try to speed things up and reduce the pain of the contractions.
Around midnight, I was having regular contractions that were getting moderately painful. I told Tyler to get some sleep because we still had a long time to go and he would need it later. We were still having trouble with the monitors slipping every time I switched positions so the nurse asked that I stay in the room hooked to the six foot cord. Apparently it was happening because of the shape of my stomach. They said because I had a basketball tummy that things move more. They told me it was a complement and that I would be grateful for it after labor but that unfortunately it made it harder while in labor. I was having lots of contractions that were being missed so I laid down for 30 minutes to get a good baseline.

You can see above on the graph what they were monitoring. The top line is the baby's heartbeat and the lower is the contractions. In the picture, they are about one minute long and every 2.5-3 minutes.

Around 4:00am, the baby's heart rate started to drop a few times so they put me on oxygen to get it back up. He responded well but I was not feeling too great at that point. I asked to nurse to check my progress and I was only dilated 4cm after laboring for almost 17 hours. They upped the Pitocen to as strong as they could and things went down hill fast. I was in a lot of pain and about 5:00am called for an epidural. Tyler awoke to me on the phone and felt bad that he had been sleeping but I was glad that he had because I thought I would need him for the pushing stage more.

The anesthesiologist arrived around 5:20am and I got immediate relief. I'm very glad I decided to have the epidural done. It let me rest some but was not strong enough that it kept me from feeling pressure and minor pain - exactly what I asked for.

 The nurses continued to have trouble monitoring my contractions with the band slipping each time I moved. They called the doctor in to place an internal monitor to get a better reading. When he arrived to place it, he said there was no need because he could see the baby's head and it was time to push. It was about 10:00am and as you can see above, I was thrilled with this news - maybe we would make the 24 hour period after all!

I asked to watch in a mirror and this made it easier because I could see my progress. About ten pushes and twenty minutes later, Samuel was born. It was Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at 10:32am.
 Tyler cut the umbilical cord and then Samuel was placed on my chest.
 He began crying immediately and looked perfect! We spent the next half an hour bonding while I delivered the placenta and got a few stitches.

 I asked the nurse to show me the placenta. Tyler and I are both scientific people and I really wanted to see what had been keeping my baby alive the last 37 weeks. It was amazing to see.
 About an hour after he was born, he got cleaned up a little and weighed. He was 6lbs, 5oz and 19 inches long. The pediatrician declared him in good health and he was given back to Tyler and I for some family bonding time.

He stayed in our room the entire time from birth until going home. He had several tests done and passed them all with flying colors except for his hearing screening. We have to go back in two weeks to have it done again but the woman running the test said he likely failed because of a quick pushing stage leaving fluid in his ears and that he had higher than normal brain activity going on that was throwing things off.
The next morning, the nurse asked us when we would like to go home. We were all doing well enough that we could leave at any time. We filled out all the necessary paperwork and were discharged around 2:00pm Thursday afternoon.
When we got home, the animals were very excited to see me after being gone for a few days. They both were also very interested in meeting their new family member. Poppy began guarding Sam immediately and has not left his side since. She looks the most tired out of anyone in the family. Volt also reacted well and has been affectionate and sweet trying to cuddle with us and purring up a storm.
On Friday morning we went for our first walk as a family down the street to the park. I am in a fair amount of pain still but it was nice to get out and get some fresh air and exercise. Every day we are figuring things out more and enjoying our new family member Sam.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Kitchen Drawers finally complete

 For the built in kitchen cabinets we had two drawers left to finish. These had fronts on them to support our historic home tour last summer but we never got around to building the drawers with all of the upstairs remodel going on. Neither of them are too wide because they are on the end beside the dishwasher. One of them is normal and the other is designed to hold the cookie sheets and muffin pans. Here you can see the sheet drawer built up.
Here is both of the new drawers installed.
We were a little concerned that all of the sheets would not fit into the drawer but we were pleasantly surprised. Here is a picture of all of the sheets finally put where they should be.

Baby Showers

 We weren't planning on having any showers but this past week we had two! First, Thursday night a bunch of people from Tyler's work came over for dinner and to see our house renovations and it turned into a party/shower with about 40 people. Then, last night we went to my friend Stephanie's new house for dinner and a bunch of my school friends were there to throw us a surprise shower.
 It was great that both Tyler and I got to be there and we ended up getting so many nice things that were unexpected but useful! Our supply of clothes more than doubled and people filled in a lot of essentials that we were missing.
Thanks to all our friends, coworkers, and families for everything!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Bathroom Sink Cabinet

We worked more on the bathroom sink unit because our granite top is supposed to be ready for pick up tomorrow. They are gluing the sinks in place for us too.
 Tyler made a drawer for the center. The other two are fake drawer fronts in front of the sinks.

 Kristen put some paint on and then the holes were filled and sanded. Then another couple coats of paint. Aside from a little trimming if needed once the granite is here, it should be pretty much complete.

 We will install the top and hook up the plumbing in the next few days. Tyler is working hard to get the baseboard finished before things get pushed back against the wall.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Prepping Garden Beds

 We weeded out the beds and planted a row of lettuce - our first planting this year. We'll get some peas in the ground soon too. There were a few stragglers left from last year - some leeks, onions, swiss chard, and peas - that we decided to leave in place. Our chives and rhubarb are doing well too.
Once it warms up we will get more things in the ground. We will probably go simpler this year and only do the basics that always perform well and we eat regularly- lettuce, beans, peas, carrots, etc.

Daffodil Fields

We drove up to the daffodil fields - an Easter tradition. Usually there are tulips by now but it was a cold winter so they are delayed.

Our daffodils at home are blooming as well. Although it is still cold, it is starting to look like spring.