Sunday, April 1, 2012

Library shelves for the nursery

We decided that we wanted to add some shelves to the baby room to hold books. Kristen is an avid reader and had hundreds of books as a child and wants our child to grow up being read to too. After looking online, the ones we liked the best were these below - called collector's shelves from Pottery Barn. They look really simple to make so we gave it a try.
 First up was designing the length, height, and sides. We went a little fancier on our end pieces and decided to go with one bar across.
 We also decided to add a lip to the front of the shelf so the books wouldn't slide out. The bottom piece was routed to give it a little more detail.
 Then it was time to paint. We went with the old wall color in the room to add some more color.

 Tyler pulled out the nail gun that had been packed away for years - perfect for holding the wood together without splitting the narrow pieces.

Then it was time to hang the shelves on the wall. We still need to expand our book selection but I have a feeling that the two shelves will be full before long and we may need to make a third.


  1. Love the shelves! What a great idea, we just got a bunch of baby books from my shower and I was trying to figure out if I could fit a bookcase in the nursery or not - I might have to look and see if shelves fit instead now!

  2. The shelves are beautiful, the perfect space saver, and right within reach at bedtime! Love it!


  3. hey guys, we love your shelves and in the market for some as well, although i don't know if marsh is as handy as tyler so we might get the pb ones in your post. they look great in sammy's room! xoxo, andy and marsh
