Friday, April 6, 2012

Patching gaps in stair treads

When we removed the strange bump out in the stairwell, it left us with an issue - gaps between the stairs and the wall. Tyler glued up strips of fir and wedged them into the gaps.
 They then were chiseled down and carved into the appropriate shape.
 Then some sanding and finishing touches. The little block in back is our experiment with color matching - it looks like a good match.
 The pieces were then coated with a mix of urethane and stain to try and match color. The picture below is after two coats - the color gets a little darker with every coat.
 We still need to put on a couple coats to get the perfect match but at least the big gaps that collected dust and dirt are gone.


  1. Very nice! That must have taken a while, lots of detailed work to get them all to match up nicely. But totally worth it!

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