Sunday, December 13, 2009

Gingerbread House

We took a break from the housework last weekend to decorate some cookies and put together gingerbread houses with some of Kristen's former dental hygiene classmates.

These cookies are from a Williams and Sonoma cutter that lets you put in whatever words you want.

Kali and Jennifer working hard on their gingerbread houses and cookies.

The finished product. Kristen and I made three houses but we figured that it was way too dusty at home to have them out. So, we left them at Kali's. It worked out well because she ended up with a small little village of houses as decoration. (Plus Poppy likes to hunt around the house for hidden food and this would have been a goldmine for her)


  1. These are so cool!! What a great idea to make while taking a break from the house construction.... Hmmmm, this wasn't a break from house construction at all!!! :)

    Nice work everyone - very classy village. I love the gingerbread church with the swirls!

  2. And the custom cookie message is AWESOME!!

