Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wood countertop routed and stained

A template was created for the counter top based on the wall profile, cabinet tops and sink. Here you can see the template pulled back from the edge.
This template was attached to the bottom of the rough cut counter top and a 3" flush cutting router bit was used to trim the counter to the finished size. This operation also squared up all of the edges. Kristen was there with the vacuum to catch all of the dust and shavings so we didn't make too big of a mess in the house.

Next up came routing the edge profile around the front edge.

A little bit of sanding and the top was ready for the coats of danish oil. This is what it looks like when it is flooded onto the surface. It sits on there for about an hour.
 And then gets wiped off.

The oil still has to dry for another 72 hours before the urethane can be applied. While that is drying the holes for the sink faucet are drilled with a fostner bit.

Here is what the sink looks like placed in there (just for looks).


  1. This is going to look stunning. Love the look of the faucet you picked out, too.


  2. What kind of router bit did you use for the profile. Looks great!

  3. What kind of router bit did you use for the profile. Looks great!
